Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Saturday Night Live

I got to watch last weeks Saturday night live with John McCain on a guest. They had Tina Fey do her dead on impression of Sarah Palin with him. They did a skit with the two of them on a shopping network because John McCain said he couldn't afford to put an infomercial on three major networks like Barack Obama did! So McCain and "Palin" were on the shopping network selling various things with funny political double meanings. I thought it was really funny and really fair honestly. They let McCain poke fun at himself, and "Palin" advertised shirts that said "Palin 2012" on them. I thought it was great way for John McCain to react to Obama's big TV night. It made McCain look good is what I'm getting at, which suprised me that SNL would do that. It was great!

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