Thursday, October 2, 2008

Week 6

I've been thinking a lot about the Mini Study I did last week. I looked at several issues of Fortune magazine and compared the main articles featured on the front cover.
What I want to comment on is the latest of the magazines I analyzed, which featured Henry Paulson on the cover. The issue was dated September 29 (because of course magazines date their publications in advance...which I've never understood why, I need to look into that- I'm not a journalism major by the way- I'm new at all of this!) but at the time the financial crisis was at the top of every news hour and on the cover of every magazine. There was a photograph of Mr. Paulson on the first page of the article that shocked me. He was peering around the door of an enormous vault with a eerie look on his face, maybe even a slight grin. He posed for this photo.
The point I am trying to make is that in the midst of a national economic crisis this guy found time to pose for a photo shoot with Fortune magazine? Didn't he have just a few more important things to do than pose for a photo shoot with Fortune? It frustrated me that our Secretary of the Treasury, who has a huge responsibility to this nation thought that would be good use of his time. Maybe I am way off here, but it rubbed me wrong. Get to work Paulson!

1 comment:

jacqueline said...

Yes, great criticism, Ruby. I'm amazed at the some of the things that people will do for photographers, things as undignified (and perhaps frightening) as this. Hope you bring this to class with you. J