Thursday, October 9, 2008

I had to get my oil changed this week and I was sitting in the waiting room and I decided to pick up the people magazine they had. It was the one we discussed in class with John McCain's family on the cover.
The article that caught my attention though was one about Brittney Spears. I was an interview with her mom about her daughter's lives and everything that their family has gone through. The mother seemed to be shocked that her daughter's lives are so out of control. She said that Brittney has gone through many "hard times" and that is why she acts so ridiculously. She didn't seem to take responsibility for her daughters, rather made excuses for their behavior.
The two have grown up being exposed to and part of the media. They had several pictures from Brittney's life starting with one in "The Mickey Mouse Club" where she was a little girl. It's no wonder celebrities and pop stars always seem to crash and burn- this girl never had a normal life to begin with.

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